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Silver Rose

  • Sidabru dengta tikra rožė

Product composition

Silver Rose. The rose has long been a symbol of love and beauty. It is, to the flower world, what silver is to the realm of precious metals. These two timeless symbols of richness and beauty have been perfectly combined in The Silver Rose.The lovely Golden Rose is the exceptional gift for your wife, girlfriend, mum!

product dimensions: lenght -26 cm.

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Silver Rose

Product code: 000000184598

Product description

Rožė - amžino grožio, idealaus grakštumo augalas. Sidabru dengta rožė - tai yra tikra, specialia technologija sudžiovinta ir padengta sidabru. Tai lyg nemirštančio žavesio įsikūnijimas. Dovanodamas ją tu žinai, kad tai paliks neišdildomą įspūdį tavo moteriai. Ir tikrai tavo dovana ją džiugins ne dvi dienas, bet visą laiką.

  • Ideali dovana įsimintinam jubiliejui, gimtadieniui ar kitai progai.
  • Sidabru dengta rožė – subtilus interjero dekoras.
  • Amžinas atsiminimas.
  • Silver Rose

    • Sidabru dengta tikra rožė

    Product composition

    Silver Rose. The rose has long been a symbol of love and beauty. It is, to the flower world, what silver is to the realm of precious metals. These two timeless symbols of richness and beauty have been perfectly combined in The Silver Rose.The lovely Golden Rose is the exceptional gift for your wife, girlfriend, mum!

    product dimensions: lenght -26 cm.

    Maximum number of characters: 350

    Choese post card text

    Maximum number of characters: 350

    Choese post card text

    Maximum number of characters: 350

    Choese post card text
    Shipping method

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